actually, it was entirely paradise, but that's besides the point. I took over 700 photos while on the cruise. deleted some when I got home, narrowed it down to under 600. the entire thing is on facebook, if anyone is bored and wants to look, let me know. personally, that's crazy talk but hey, I enjoyed looking at them.
but for everyone's sake who may bother to read this, I'll run down the days and add a photo from each day. or two. simplicity.
Thursday morning we woke up, walked to the bagel store, ate a heart NY bagel breakfast and then headed down to the ship. We were on board by noon, and poolside by 12:30. It was glorious. The minute we began to leave the harbor, my excitement was building and I was psyched. It finally dawned on me - the long-awaited cruise was finally here! So, excited and such, we eagerly put on fresh clothing and went to our first dinner. Here's us, in our room, before leaving for said dinner:

but for everyone's sake who may bother to read this, I'll run down the days and add a photo from each day. or two. simplicity.
Thursday morning we woke up, walked to the bagel store, ate a heart NY bagel breakfast and then headed down to the ship. We were on board by noon, and poolside by 12:30. It was glorious. The minute we began to leave the harbor, my excitement was building and I was psyched. It finally dawned on me - the long-awaited cruise was finally here! So, excited and such, we eagerly put on fresh clothing and went to our first dinner. Here's us, in our room, before leaving for said dinner:
Well we had a great night - unpacked, explored, etc. I was feeling a little light-headed but I figured my body wasn't used to the movement of the ship yet. Went to bed, had a restful sleep and woke up to our room tossing and turning, while our tv went back and forth on its spinning stand. No, seriously, the TV was spinning back and forth, back and forth. Sat up, and immediately knew it was going to be a bad day. Put on shorts and a tank top, got breakfast, felt sick, took a nap by the pool, ate lunch, felt sick, slept in my room the rest of the day and only woke up for formal dinner.

I'm masking it, or trying, but I honestly felt horrendous at this point. I never threw up, but my stomach was in knots and I just kept rocking back and forth, even though the waves were slowly calming. I was miserable. And I overdosed on Bonine because it wasn't working. Then the nurse gave me a high dose of medication and suddenly, I wasn't caring about the rocking because I was high as a kite. It was glorious! I enjoyed the evening show, and then proceeded to have a photoshoot in our room with our towel animal:
I'm masking it, or trying, but I honestly felt horrendous at this point. I never threw up, but my stomach was in knots and I just kept rocking back and forth, even though the waves were slowly calming. I was miserable. And I overdosed on Bonine because it wasn't working. Then the nurse gave me a high dose of medication and suddenly, I wasn't caring about the rocking because I was high as a kite. It was glorious! I enjoyed the evening show, and then proceeded to have a photoshoot in our room with our towel animal:
So clearly, I was hanging in there. I did mention how many puke bags were in the hallways, and my mom said, "that's an indication of how bad the seas are." I heard later that room service was backed up a few hours due to the large amount of sick people who couldn't leave their rooms. I empathized and secretly prayed the rest of the cruise wouldn't be miserable.
The next day, I woke up feeling awesome. Granted, we weren't moving - because we were in Bermuda. But I felt awesome. So we took a boat tour of Bermuda, including a visit to a sunken ship - the Vixen - and snorkeling in a glorious little cove. The sun was out, the water was chilly but beautiful. Photos cannot do justice to the color. Seriously.
The next day, I woke up feeling awesome. Granted, we weren't moving - because we were in Bermuda. But I felt awesome. So we took a boat tour of Bermuda, including a visit to a sunken ship - the Vixen - and snorkeling in a glorious little cove. The sun was out, the water was chilly but beautiful. Photos cannot do justice to the color. Seriously.
Isn't it wonderful?
So yes, I enjoyed Bermuda immensely. Upon returning, we showered then took to the town for awhile. I really enjoyed myself, it's a quaint town - King's Wharf, that is. That evening, I felt much better, even after we began moving, and the seas went from "extremely rough" to "extremely calm." Great! So I put on a sundress, went to dinner and then went up to the helipad for a sunset photo shoot:
Yeah, we're kind of cute sometimes. Or something. ;D
Anyway, slept, had a day at sea which meant I was in the pool all day, then we had another day of FUN - this time in St. Maarten/St. Martin. We toured the island, then walked along the beach.
Granted, sun's not out as it was overcast, so you can't really see the true blue, but it was beautiful. Trust me. We had a cocktail or two, wandered around, Chris bought me a stunning necklace, and we enjoyed our explorations.
Next morning, we arrived at my favorite island - St. Thomas. We got dropped off at a resort on Sapphire Beach and snorkeled off the beach. Seriously, the coral began 3 feet from shore. Fish everywhere! It was amazing. And then? To the left, swim ten feet out and there's turtle grass. Know what's in there? SEA TURTLES and STINGRAYS. I swam above a five-foot-wide sting ray and watched others from a distance. I swam between two sea turtles who were close enough to touch. It was surreal and beautiful and I was in love.
So yeah, there's my snorkel buddies. We look like drowned rats, but that's okay. I also refused to use a floatation device because if I was going to die, at least it was with sea turtles. And I hated how it felt wearing one. I survived, clearly, and preferred it since I was diving under the water to the bottom, checking out rays and turtles and stuff.
Then we went along skyline drive and I met Monica Lewinsky.
No really, he said that was her name. Isn't she cute? She smelled horrendous though. He was telling me to get on her back, take a ride. Yeah, no thanks. I didn't pay a ton of money to have some jenny throw me on my head.
Anyway. Went back, showered, watched the sunset and had another glorious dinner.
So yes, breathtaking. Woke up the next morning and it was stifling. I mean 80 degrees at 7am. Welcome to Puerto Rico, folks.

Dying from heat exhaustion but it was beautiful. And short-lived, because I soon needed to get in the pool before I melted.
So, vacation was awesome. And that's not even the beginning of my photos, actually. But I don't want to bore you all, so I'll leave you with a final one. Our last night on board, Chris wanted to do a photoshoot. So:

There you have it. I'm sure I'll post more photos as time passes and I continue with my blog post a day (or so), but that's a glimpse of my cruising.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! xo
So yes, I enjoyed Bermuda immensely. Upon returning, we showered then took to the town for awhile. I really enjoyed myself, it's a quaint town - King's Wharf, that is. That evening, I felt much better, even after we began moving, and the seas went from "extremely rough" to "extremely calm." Great! So I put on a sundress, went to dinner and then went up to the helipad for a sunset photo shoot:
Yeah, we're kind of cute sometimes. Or something. ;D
Anyway, slept, had a day at sea which meant I was in the pool all day, then we had another day of FUN - this time in St. Maarten/St. Martin. We toured the island, then walked along the beach.
Granted, sun's not out as it was overcast, so you can't really see the true blue, but it was beautiful. Trust me. We had a cocktail or two, wandered around, Chris bought me a stunning necklace, and we enjoyed our explorations.
Next morning, we arrived at my favorite island - St. Thomas. We got dropped off at a resort on Sapphire Beach and snorkeled off the beach. Seriously, the coral began 3 feet from shore. Fish everywhere! It was amazing. And then? To the left, swim ten feet out and there's turtle grass. Know what's in there? SEA TURTLES and STINGRAYS. I swam above a five-foot-wide sting ray and watched others from a distance. I swam between two sea turtles who were close enough to touch. It was surreal and beautiful and I was in love.
So yeah, there's my snorkel buddies. We look like drowned rats, but that's okay. I also refused to use a floatation device because if I was going to die, at least it was with sea turtles. And I hated how it felt wearing one. I survived, clearly, and preferred it since I was diving under the water to the bottom, checking out rays and turtles and stuff.
Then we went along skyline drive and I met Monica Lewinsky.
No really, he said that was her name. Isn't she cute? She smelled horrendous though. He was telling me to get on her back, take a ride. Yeah, no thanks. I didn't pay a ton of money to have some jenny throw me on my head.
Anyway. Went back, showered, watched the sunset and had another glorious dinner.
So yes, breathtaking. Woke up the next morning and it was stifling. I mean 80 degrees at 7am. Welcome to Puerto Rico, folks.
Dying from heat exhaustion but it was beautiful. And short-lived, because I soon needed to get in the pool before I melted.
So, vacation was awesome. And that's not even the beginning of my photos, actually. But I don't want to bore you all, so I'll leave you with a final one. Our last night on board, Chris wanted to do a photoshoot. So:
There you have it. I'm sure I'll post more photos as time passes and I continue with my blog post a day (or so), but that's a glimpse of my cruising.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! xo
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